Would You Like to Donate Glasses or Other Items?

Items we can use:


We collect used eyeglasses, clean them, read the prescription and package them to send with a team. If we have too many of one prescription, we may trade with another charitable organization for donate them to another mission group.

What if my glasses are broken?

Don’t worry, we send in boxes of broken eyeglasses to a company that extracts any precious metals and sends a check back to us. We use the money we receive to purchase reading glasses when we need to.

Dental/Medical Equipment

We can make use of or donate a variety of equipment. Please reach out to us using our contact page and let us know what you would like to donate.

How can I get donations to you?

You can bring them to our processing location in SeaTac, WA, mail them to us or give them to an upcoming team member. Our address can be found on the donation page.

Will I get a receipt for my donation?

You may request an acknowledgement letter for your donation but used eyeglasses are not considered to have any value.